Monthly Maintenance
Monsoon Medics provides a one of a kind service to the State of Arizona. We offer monthly on-site inspections with custom electronic forms and tracking created specifically for your unit based on manufacturers recommendations. Our trained technicians complete our 50 point inspection including a picture of the unit, a signature from a responsible party, and a geo/time stamp. This protects your company from liability in maintaining your AEDs and records, and provides peace of mind knowing your AEDs are prepared for an emergency.
Included in Monthly Maintenance Packages are:
Medical Prescription to purchase and Medical Direction for AED Program oversight (required by law)
Registration of AED
With the State of Arizona through the azshare program
With the manufacturer to extend warranty(when applicable), and to monitor recalls and updates from manufacturer.
Monthly on-site inspection by Monsoon medics technician
With onsite inspections we scan the barcode of the AED, take a picture, have a geo/time stamp,and have a staff member sign as witness to technician being onsite.​​
Monitoring FDA recall emails for device recall information.
Monitoring and installing manufacturer AED software updates.
Monthly Maintenance records tracked and maintained, as well as emailed to customer.
Electronic records maintained, and emailed to customer.
All routine maintenance costs included
Expiring Parts:
Adult Pads- 2 per unit
​Pediatric Pads
Batteries- 1 installed battery and 1 back up battery.
Emergency response kits- pocket mask, scissors, gloves, 4x4 gauze, sanitizing wipes, razor
Post use coordination and reporting within 5 days of using AED (required by law)
Response to the place of business within 48hrs of use to provide:
replacement parts
Recover incident data
Return AED to service and provide proper documentation
Submit required post deployment paperwork to Medical Director(required by law)
CPR/AED certifications for desired volunteer responders with recertification every 2 years.
Taught on location by Monsoon Medics staff.
Training to include same model AED as customers
Recertification for employees every 2 years
Annual training exercise on-site with documentation and feedback for employees.
In accordance with AHA on-site training
Sign in sheets will be maintained by monsoon medics/ scanned and emailed to customer
Evaluation forms will be maintained by monsoon medics/ scanned and emailed to customer to ensure responders are getting desired trainings.
The most comprehensive AED maintenance program on the market costs less than you pay for cable!!
Contact Monsoon Medics today for a free on-site evaluation.